Wednesday, May 30, 2007

do I have the geek pound?

Look, I couldnt bike today ok? its raining damn it! RAIN>!

So I paid for a day of travel. Its a tube and bus dimension to it. Lets try to bike tomorrow, however its raining again.

Its not however raining in Sardinia.

FINALLY have got all I want from Currys. I still have 80 pounds of vouchers to go through however, if I didnt, I would try my best never to go there again. Even today they are trying not to do any work. My tip is dont be polite, what ever you do, sure please and thank yous, but when they give you the chance to politely go away, refuse to and just silently look at them. This will prompt them to do their job. they enjoy this.

So Heroes is my new favourite programme, and series 2 has just been picked up by the bbc for what they say is 400K per episode!!! 23 of them!!! crazy figures. They say hi concept drawn out geek dramas are the legacy of Lost, however the geek pound is where tv is aimed, and that is a good thing./

1 comment:

Erueti Brown said...

Aren't you running just a few blogs now? Sheesh! Any way glad to hear from you and wow what a tattoo bro! Speaking of, so Mark is an illicit artist (*dddroool...)? Crikey mate, I suddenly feel like its the perfect time for me to have dumb c**t tattooed across my knuckles yeehawwh!