Friday, February 06, 2009

Bob Marleys Birthday

Its Bob Marleys birthday . 64 you know. And its not that old. I will be 64 in 2039 which I personally find intimidating, motivating and inevitable. OF course I am so rock n roll I may not last the night!

So here is one of my favorite songs that I think rings true in this day of uncertainess and living with the wages of greed. I am going home to blast a bit of Bob Marley before I go out. All this “doobie doobie do” is motivating as well. Ride Natty Ride. *(my hair is free from nattyness, lets be clear)

'Cause now the fire is out of control,
Panic in the city, wicked weeping for their gold!
Everywhere this fire is burning,
Destroying and melting their gold,
Destroying and wasting their souls.

Go ride, Natty, ride!
Go deh, Dready! Go deh!

Tell you what: now the people gather on the beach
And the leader try to make a speech,
But the Dreadies understanding that it's too late:
Fire is burning;
Man, pull your own weight!
Fire is burning;
Man, pull your own weight!

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