Monday, January 26, 2009

the egg layers and the spawned

You guys know what a Tuatara is right? These awesome little fellas are making news all over NZ at the moment.
Apparently one that is 111 years old just had babys!. And its not just going on in the zoo's but eggs have been found in the wild, for the first time in 70 years!

This rather clumisly brings me to another piece of news that caught my eye this morning, that the FDA is lifting its ban on stem cell research applied to humans. The embryonic stem cell can adapt to change into any kind of cell in the human body, which is an amazing thing when you think about it. Geron (an american company) has had its plans to test on patients with injured spinal cords due to injury. Its worked on the rats! But previously where the Bush administration has condemned the practice, the FDA has stood firm, now there is a more liberal administration the FDA has allowed what may turn out to be another historic milestone in American history. The FDA have denied that this white house shift has anything to do with anything, but well, its a coincidence and a half!

Conversely, you can isolate your own amniotic cells at home with any placenta you may have hanging around. This way you can beat any monopoly Geron may have in the future.

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