Friday, October 12, 2007

Winter, Christmas, Old Age and other things that creep in the night

A light drizzle settles on this side of London. Crisp droplets, not thick enough even to settle my hair, but it brings a certain mood about the place.

I have final cut finally at my disposal. So last night I mopped up the last of my project I was working on in imovie, (last things finalised tonight) and I might even try to get it on the blog. Then I can start working on Iain's wedding the movie. oh yes, buckle your seat belts for that my friends.

As Winter comes in (slouching and in a entirely disintersted manner), I think its time for some art. Dont you? enough with going out and seeing people, and more making pictures and videos. Want to join me? here are some ideas.

here and here

great news. Oh, here is a picture of something that I meant to place here ages ago. what do you think? It perplexes me, do I like it or loathe it>?

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