Friday, May 15, 2009

your man in London

Just got accepted into the writing team of my favourite London information websites Londonist. This is also one of the only sites that I twitter, as it always has an interesting list of things to do or a run down on whats happening in this town. So it was with a lot of joy that I wrote my first post on William Blakes exhibition, which you can read here

You can also read someones helpful advice to me- but in my defence I didn't really want to write up a bio, and its really easy for me to gush on about Blake and even easier for me to randomly go off onto tangents. So its my first go buddy! give me a bone! hahaha.

cool hey?

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Yay! You're famous and we knew you first! That comment was really horrid but I LOVE the editor's response!

Well done - I hope you enjoy your time there.