Thursday, November 02, 2006

Forever Tuesday Morning

Autumn, Goodbye Halloween, Hello Guy Fawkes.

One of the best things about growing up in NZ
is the fact that you share the cultures of many different countries. Of course one of the worse things about growing up in the present times is how cultures have dollar (pound) signs attached. Guy Fawkes nights were some of the best times ever in Foxton Beach. When I grew up there were a few mystical fireworks that had been banned. I have only heard of the "Jumping Jack" which once ingnited, would jump over distances with a bang, banned forever because of its tendency to jump into bags of fireworks.
And I lived to see the "double happy" banned. I imagine I will see the ability to light your own fireworks banned as well. I am pretty sure thats something the Asian countries will never do. Those guys love their fireworks. They did invent them I guess.

Its fireworks night tonight at my work. I work in this industrial park in the deepest wild west of London. It has a man made lake and crazy buildings with what seem to be giant venician blinds all over it. I feel a bit sick but the day is wonderfully clear and will be a good sight. I would download some pix of it, however I have lost the camera charger!! So it will be a while before I do that. Or I guess i can look for it!

I guess blogs should be short and sharpened to a witty point, sorry in advance.

I have just finished a book I chose for its Halloween feel, "The Witching Hour" John Pritchard Voyager 1997. it was alright, I got one scare out of it.

So I am writing a childrens book for my nephew. It needs a name. Not the nephew the book. Its about numbers animals and geography. The book rhymes and has a lot of alliteration (SP?) in it. So I guess the title will have to incorporate this. The closest I have got so far is Jacob's Jolly Jaunt. but its not really about Jacob jaunting as he is sleeping in the book. Its more about the sun going around the world looking at different animals. So I annouce a competition for anyone who can come up with a snappy enough title and I will send them a prize. and a finished copy of the book once its out (1Q07)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Niceness! Hmm? Sorry for my late reply but it has been months since your last post - As for book a title. What about "Slumber Safari"? Or does your title have to include your Nephews name? The only "J" word I can think of right now is juxtapoz In any case great to hear about what your working with looking forward to an update!